We are a faith-based Organisation, desiring teaching Christian living!
Christian Living With Tlhopang Botshelo
We are Tlhopang Botshelo, a Faith-Based Organisation, desiring to spread the Word of God! On this website, you’ll find many resources to assist you in your walk as a Christian, whether you’re new to this, or have been walking with the Lord for years. There’s lots to read to grow your faith, or simply to help you on your journey. Some of our topics include Christian living, family issues, prayer, etc. We have dedicated writers, as well as other local and international content, all from a biblical world view. We’d love to pray for you and hear your testimonies, so make sure to reach us here. You can read more about us here, contact us here, or find out how to support us here.
May God richly bless you!
Lets partner in your Christian living
Get in touch with us
Tlhopang Botshelo believes that Matthew 6.33 calls us all to seek first the kingdom of God. As such our staff is enthusiastic to be a part of those answering that call.
Our Resources
You can use these resources to grow as a Christian. Be blessed as you do so.
If the Lord has laid it in your heart to assist, or if you have been blessed by the content and want to ensure others are similarly blessed, please consider supporting us. Find out more.